The gear pump meshes with the gears to mesh with the extruded material for conveying purposes.

The gear pump meshes with the gears to mesh with the extruded material for conveying purposes.

A large number of high-temperature melt deposits are also prone to spontaneous combustion, which brings great hidden dangers to safe production. The reason why the external leakage is too small to cause the tripping is mainly because when the pump speed is lowered, the amount of cooling water is relatively larger than the amount of the outer leakage melt, so that the melt has a large degree of cooling in the shaft seal, and the solidification is accelerated, causing the melt to be in the shaft. The seal is solidified and the shaft is held, which causes the torque of the motor to increase, which blocks the rotation of the pump shaft and causes the coupling to fall off. Statistics show that the change in the amount of leakage outside the melt caused by the change in pump speed is the most important factor causing the trip of the coupling.

The melt pump outlet pressure affects the melt pump used in the polyester device as a gear pump. The gear pump meshes with the gears to mesh with the extruded material to achieve the purpose of transportation. The outlet pressure itself has pulsation, and the gear and the pump shaft are subjected to a certain pulsating load. Under the condition of stable load and constant pump speed, the melt viscosity and the filter condition after the pump outlet have a great influence on the stability of the outlet pressure. In particular, the influence of viscosity is large. The long-term 110% load operation of the device in production, due to design defects, the pump approaches the critical value of the pump at the working point of 100% and 110% load. At this time, the pump speed is close to the design speed, and the outlet pressure is higher. In this state, the melt Viscosity fluctuations, downstream load changes, and unstable filter conditions are likely to cause large fluctuations in pump outlet pressure.

In addition to affecting the leakage of the shaft seal melt, the pressure fluctuation also increases the pulsating load carried by the gear and the pump shaft, causing the pump shaft vibration to increase, thereby causing the coupling to trip. According to the production practice statistics, the pump outlet pressure fluctuates greatly, causing the coupling to take a large proportion. In the production of cold spot of the heat medium jacket, it is also found that when the outlet pressure is relatively stable and the leakage of the shaft seal is normal, the gear teeth cause the coupling to trip.

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