The notice pointed out that the annual total reserves of chemical fertilizers at the provincial level in 2009/2010 were 100,000 physical tons, and the varieties were urea and compound fertilizer. Among them: 80,000 tons of urea and 20,000 tons of compound fertilizer. Each bearer stores 40,000 tons of urea and 10,000 tons of compound fertilizer. The duration of chemical fertilizer storage is 6 months, ie from May to June 2009 and from November 2009 to February 2010. The subsidized interest rate for lightly stored chemical fertilizers was uniformly determined at 2,000 yuan/ton, and the benchmark interest rate for capital loans was calculated based on the benchmark interest rate for the six-month liquidity loan of the People's Bank of China during the same period. The management of light-storage chemical fertilizers shall be undertaken by the enterprises themselves.
Guangdong plans to lightly save 100,000 tons of chemical fertilizers this year>
Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance jointly issued the "Notice on Release of the 2009-2010 Provincial Fertilizer Off-season Business Reserve Plan" to specify that the annual total amount of provincial fertilizer reserves in 2009/2010 is 100,000 tons of physical tonnage. , Shenzhen Baotian Ecological Engineering Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Agricultural Production Information Corporation assumed the task of off-season reserves this year.