Analyze the boom structure of the crane

Analyze the boom structure of the crane

The boom of truck-mounted crane is the most important part of the truck-mounted crane. The truck-mounted crane uses a pulley block at the top of the boom to support the hoisting wire rope to suspend heavy objects. The height and working radius are changed by using changes in the length and inclination of the boom. . Although the crane's boom is used to suspend and transport objects, different boom structures and technologies make the performance and efficiency of the crane very different.

The boom of the truck crane generally includes two parts: a main boom and a flyback boom. There are mainly two types of main booms of truck cranes. One is a truss structure boom welded by profiles and pipes, and the other is a box-type structure boom with various sections. With the development of truck mounted cranes, most of the main booms of truck-mounted cranes are now box-type structures, and only a few are trussed structures.

The auxiliary arm function of the truck crane arm is that, when the height of the main boom can not meet the requirements, the auxiliary boom can be connected at the end of the main boom to achieve the purpose of lifting the object to a higher elevation. The jib's jib can only lift lighter objects. The sub-arm generally has only one arm, and there are also More than two folding or sub-arms, among which the foldable truss sub-arm is the most common.

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